Monday 26 November 2012

Do we have a future together?

Dear AWM,

I have been reading the advise on relationship issues and they are always interesting. I now think now is the time to find out what others will say about the issues i am having in my relatioship. Plz hide my ID

I have been dating my Bf for a year now and we are planning to get married when he graduates from school. I will graduate before him and my wish is to get pregnant get as soon a...
s i find a stable job before getting married officially(i was pregnant for him before but i had a miscarriage. Due to some health issues my doctor advised me to have another baby soon.Since then i keep wanting to get pregnant but i dont want us to plan it together. Each time i talk to him about it we have a fight. He already have a kid from his previous relationship. I also finds out that there are lots of little stuff that he is very careless about e.g when it comes to putting things back at the right places after using them. That irritates me alot. I have done my best to correct him but he keep doing them. When it comes to love, he shows me all the love that need. But for some reason i just don't respond to him the way he wants me to. I have been thinking about ending the relationship but again i am afraid of not finding some one who will care for me like him because i have really had sad experiences in my past.

I keep feeling that may be the reason he don't want me to get pregnant before we get married is because he may be lying to me that he loves me and just using school as an excuss to stay with me for, or may be because he already have a child. I tried to talk to him many times but he will not change his mind.What to you think i should do? Let go of him or just hang around till when ever he graduates. He got about 2yrs before he graduates and i will be done in 4months time.

1 comment:

  1. The worse thing you can do is bring a child into this when you are unsure of whether you plan to stay with this guy!
